Submitting a project idea
Project ideas can be presented to Blue Cluster at any given time. This is only possible via the online form. The purpose of this step is to determine whether a project qualifies as a cluster project at an early stage. We will then help you further on your way.
On the basis of the project file submitted, we determine together with you whether the project fits in with our strategy and which project type is appropriate.
Knowledge institutions and research partners can also present a project idea, provided that it may result in the creation of economic value. In case of a strategic basic research project, submission of the project idea is a mandatory step in the new procedure for SBR projects.
Our annual cSBO call is open from 3 December 2024 till 30 January 2025 (12 noon).
Any project ideas presented to Blue Cluster are always treated confidentially and never shared with third parties, unless the presenters of the idea have given their express consent.