Eighteenth project call of Blue Cluster launched

Our 18th project call has been open since 30 August. Project proposals can be submitted until 3 October. The present call is open to all innovation domains of Blue Cluster and to all project types, excluding completely new cSBR projects. Feasibility studies can be submitted throughout the year.
30 August 2024

Our eighteenth project call has been open since 30 August. Any project proposal that fits within the Blue Cluster roadmaps and meets the cooperation requirements is eligible for funding. The current call is open to all innovation domains of Blue Cluster and to all project types, excluding cSBR projects.

Preparing a project application

Would you like to learn more about how you can submit a project proposal to Blue Cluster? Check out a visual presentation of the process as well as further information about the modalities of the different project types on our website in the section “project application”.

We highly recommend you to have one of our innovation managers assess your project beforehand. This way, you are 100% certain that your proposal is admissible.


Submitting a project application

All project proposals for R&D projects, ICON (Interdisciplinary Cooperative Research) projects as well as pilot and feasibility studies must be submitted as a 10-pager to Blue Cluster before the deadline. After approval by the steering group, the 10 pager-can be further developed into a full proposal to be submitted to Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) by 12 December 2024. 

This call for projects is not open to new cSBR projects. This means that no project proposals for cSBR projects can be submitted as 2-pagers to De Blauwe Cluster. However, cSBR projects with an approved 2-pager can submit a 10-pager during this call.

During the project preparations, Blue Cluster offers support to the project partners. Reach out to us if you want to make use of this possibility. 

The deadline for submitting a project is Thursday 3 October 2024 at 12 noon.

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