ELBE Eurocluster of Blue Energy
The project aims to connect the various European value chains in the field of blue energy and to cooperate more closely in the field of innovation, training and internationalisation. This will enable Europe to better position itself as the technological and industrial world leader in blue energy.
The partners in the ELBE Eurocluster project (seven European clusters and a Swedish research institution) are active in the field of offshore renewable energy, including floating offshore wind energy (FOW), wave energy and tidal energy.
The ultimate goal is to join forces to create a pan-European blue energy cluster. The following activities are set up:
- Networking: seven networking events to communicate about ELBE and its activities in the context of major conferences (WindEurope, FOWT, etc.)
- Innovation: innovation support scheme, including open calls with a set of specific challenges solved through cooperation between interested SMEs
- Training : specific digitalisation, sustainability or business modeling training for SMEs affiliated to ELBE .
- Internationalisation: one international mission per year to emerging markets such as South Korea, Australia or Brazil to give SMEs greater access to global value- and supply chains.
Partners: Basque Energy Cluster (E) (promotor), Blue Cluster (B), Pôle Mer Mediterannée -Toulon Var Technologies (Fr), Energy Cluster Denmark (Dk), GCE NODE (N), Wojewodztwo Pomorskie (PPOW) (PL), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB (SE) and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (SCH) as associate partner
With the support of: Single Market Programme - COSME - Euroclusters
Contact: Stefaan Mensaert