The European Union aims for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 and has therefore launched the 'Green Deal'. The blue economy plays a key role in the mission 'Restore Our Oceans & Waters'. A first set of tangible results is expected in 2030.
Proverbial 'lighthouses' are being set up for this purpose, which are in fact regional actions to protect and restore our oceans and waters, make the blue economy carbon neutral and circular and/or prevent and remove pollution.
Our region falls under the BANOS lighthouse, which covers the Baltic Sea and the North Sea regions. This lighthouse focuses on making the blue economy carbon neutral and circular.
Blue Cluster stands for a sustainable blue economy and inspires local players, policymakers, companies and scientists as well as the general public. The focus is innovation and accelerated application in the blue economy.
Partners: Blue Cluster; Deltares; DTU; GTK; ICES; Ifremer; Institute of Oceanology - Polish Academy of Sciences; Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology; Netherlands Enterprise Agency; Polish National Centre for Research and Development; Projektträger Jülich; SDU; SINTEF; Submariner Network; Swedish Environmental Research Institute; University of Tartu; and VLIZ.
With financial support from: the European Union
Contact: Kinnie De Beule
Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement ID 101093845. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.