In the fight against climate change, managing land-based and coastal carbon stocks has received considerable attention, while the significance of shelf seas in the global carbon cycle has often been overlooked.
The BERNARDO project aims to address this gap by establishing a comprehensive carbon budget for the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS), forming the baseline for assessing the impact of specific Blue Economy activities on this vital marine ecosystem.
- The BERNARDO project will harness the untapped potential of marine carbon in shelf systems to foster a sustainable Blue Economy. This objective builds on a scientific breakthrough: quantifying carbon fluxes within the BPNS through innovative monitoring techniques. This data will fuel the development of a spatially and temporally explicit baseline marine carbon budget.
- Establishing this baseline carbon budget will unlock significant economic opportunities. It will lead to the creation of new products and services, including carbon footprinting, climate financing, and carbon sequestration projects. Additionally, exploring novel financing strategies and scenario development will support emerging sectors such as large-scale climate action, nature-based solutions and nature restoration projects.
By integrating chemical, physical, and biological observations and through novel data analyses techniques, the BERNARDO project will bridge scientific research on marine carbon budgets with practical Blue Economy applications.
By studying the impact of activities like aquaculture and offshore wind on the marine carbon budget, the project will provide valuable insights and opportunities for industrial valorisation in marine carbon budgeting.
Driving global impact
While initially focusing on the BPNS, the impact of the BERNARDO project may extend far beyond the Belgian sea. By scaling up and exporting its outcomes to shelf seas worldwide, it promises to revolutionise our understanding of marine carbon dynamics.
Additionally, integrating marine carbon budgets into life cycle analyses and environmental impact assessments for offshore activities will promote more sustainable practices and innovation in the global Blue Economy.
Partners: Mantis Consulting; ORG - Permanent Modernity; Econopolis; VLIZ; and Ghent University.
With the support of: VLAIO
Contact: Kristien Veys