Last chance to have your say on the Marine Spatial Plan
The public consultation for the Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) is about to end. This plan, which regulates the use of space at sea for the 2026-2034 period, contains a number of measures that could significantly limit the development of innovations at sea.
In order to support the transition to a sustainable economy, Blue Cluster has formulated a couple of comments on the current plan, advocating some fundamental adjustments to the draft.
The major focus points are:
- Retention of CIA zones: It is essential that the current zones for commercial and industrial activities (CIA zones) are retained. These zones are of great importance to ensure Belgium's leading role in the sustainable blue economy within Europe. Their maintenance is crucial for further innovative developments, the integration of multiple land use in Mariparken, and to comply with both international recommendations and European climate objectives.
- Restriction of infrastructure-free zones: The infrastructure-free zone should be limited to a maximum of 3 nautical miles (NM). Within this zone, exceptions for economic developments should remain possible in the form of CIA zones.
- Level playing field for all economic actors: In order to ensure fair competition, sufficient space needs to be provided for commercial innovative activities, comparable to other activities. In addition, access to the development of activities in areas such as the Flemish Banks must be equal for all actors, without some activities being favoured or others being excluded in advance.
Speak out
Do you agree that stimulating innovations at sea is crucial for sustainability and that there should be sufficient space for such activities? Then make yourself heard and submit your comments on the draft MRP.
You can send your feedback to the Marine Environment depamrtment of the Federal Public Service for Health until 27 August.
Do you want to know more about our position? Please contact Marijn Rabaut or Ann Overmeire.