Funding for SMEs offering naval defence solutions

Are you an SME and do you have an idea to address specific challenges in the field of naval defence? Are you interested in working together with other European SMEs and looking for additional funding? Then submit your project proposal by 8 August 2024.
10 June 2024

The LEVIATAD project brings together 6 organisations from 4 countries to create a first real euro cluster in the field of naval defence. Within the project, a subsidy program has been developed to financially support SMEs for the development of activities in the field of marine defense.

The second call for proposals will be open from 7 June 2024 until 8 August 2024 (17.00 CET).  The funding programme will give SMEs a boost to develop innovative projects and to establish international partnerships on marine defence with SMEs in the other participating countries.

Relevant topics

Following the activities carried out during the implementation phase of the project, such as the mapping of the ecosystems, reporting on SMEs needs and opportunities, LEVIATAD has identified specific investment priorities: 

  1. autonomous ships and drones 
  2. communication, cybersecurity and electronic warfare 
  3. on-board equipment: development, performance improvement 
  4. predictive maintenance 
  5. weapon systems improvement 
  6. decarbonization of ships 


The project must clearly describe the objectives and the defined investment priority of the call to which it contributes, and fill the Application form with relevant information. Each project can address one or both objectives. In the latter case, applicants must undertake activities that will enable the submitted project to remain within the indicated funding limits. 

The application form shall indicate the project activities and must deliver a clear costs breakdown. The applicant can design its project with as many activities it needs up to the maximum amount of €20.000


The second LEVIATAD call for proposals has a total budget of €469,721.52,, with a maximum grant amount of €20,000 per project.

How to apply?

Interested in submitting your proposal? Visit the project’s official web page and download the appropriate documentation. 

Only proposals submitted to the official email address that contain all the mandatory documents and are filed within the deadline will be accepted. 

The following documents are mandatory: 

  1. Application form 
  2. Annex II (Costs breakdown) 
  3. Annex III (Declaration of Honour) 

LEVIATAD’s call for proposals is open from 7 June 2023 until 8 August 2024 at 17:00 CET. 

More information can also be found through the Funding and Tenders portal of the European Commission and on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.


An online information session will be organised on 24 June (11-12.30h).  Please register through this link.


The project LEVIATAD, which stands for “Level 1 Accelerator for Defence Sector”; aims at creating the 1st Eurocluster of excellence on naval defence. The activities carried out within LEVIATAD will enhance the European position in the value chain of naval and aero-naval defence sector, support resilience by fostering innovation processes, and help SMEs in joining forces and better cooperate with both major public and private groups in European and international markets.

Extra information

Below you can find a number of documents related to the second call.

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