Fourth call for CrossRoads2 Sustainable Energy
CrossRoads2 Sustainable Energy is part of the European programme Interreg Flanders-the Netherlands and aims to encourage partnerships between SMEs in Flanders and the Southern Netherlands. The focus is on innovation projects around energy contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the border region.
The new call of CrossRoads2 Sustainable Energy will launch on 16 June 2021. The total subsidy budget for this call is €843,350. With this budget, about six projects can be supported. The subsidy rate is 50%, with a maximum of €150,000 per innovation project.
Do you have a concrete innovative idea in mind that you would like to tackle with a partner from the Southern Netherlands? Then you have until 30 June to submit your proposal.

To be eligible, a project must meet the following conditions:
- At least 1 Flemish SME and at least 1 SME from the Southern Netherlands;
- Focus on sustainable energy, energy-efficiency and/or renewable energy;
- Project contributes to the CO2 reduction in the border region;
- Within the sectors of High Tech Systems, Cleantech, Biobased and Circular Economy, Logistics, and Maintenance.
Find out more
For more information about this project call, you can consult the general Crossroads2 Sustainable Energy website or contact one of the project partners. The Flemish project partners are VLAIO and Flux50.