Blue Cluster co-writes brochure on blue innovation

Did you know that Belgium was one of the first countries in the world to have a marine spatial plan? Or that the offshore wind farms produce sufficient electricity for 2.2 million Flemish households? Discover the importance of the blue economy and the role of innovation in this sector in this new publication.
02 March 2021

2021 is the starting year of the United Nations-declared Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UNDOSS: 2021-2030). On this occasion, VLIZ, Blue Cluster and the Flemish government’s department of Economy, Science and Innovation are launching the brochure ‘Gearing up on our blue knowledge - Tackling ocean challenges in the UN Decade of Ocean Science’.

This new publication demonstrates the power, diversity and potential of the Flemish innovation landscape and indicates how Flanders makes use of the sea to achieve its sustainability goals.

Background information

The blue economy accounts for more than €13 billion of added value and over 150,000 jobs in Flanders. As such, the sector represents 5.2% of the Flemish GDP.

Research and development are essential for the further growth of economic activities in this sector.  The brochure creates a clear image of the Flemish marine innovation landscape.

marien ruimtelijk plan
Map of the Marine Spatial Plan

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