Take part in the Blue Bio Atlantic Bootcamp
The blue bioeconomy offers companies many opportunities to take the step towards a more sustainable Flemish economy. Various sectors, such as food, agriculture, chemicals, textiles and pharmaceuticals, are strongly committed to this. Nevertheless, the blue bioeconomy faces many (regional) challenges.
During the Blue Bio Bootcamps you will meet experts in various domains and get acquainted with other companies in the sector. You also have the opportunity to get together with coaches and mentors who are happy to help you further develop your business idea.
Atlantic Bootcamp
During the Blue Bio Bootcamp on 2 July, the focus will be on the regional challenges faced by blue bio producers in Belgium, France and Portugal. In a hybrid setting, you will interact with Flemish, French and Portuguese start-ups and mentors.
The main challenge for Belgian companies in the sector is scaling up activities to meet demand. Integrating side streams from other industries into the production of aquaculture biomass may be one of the solutions.
You will also hear about the challenges and support options in France and Portugal, and you will have the opportunity to pitch your start-up at an international level.
The detailed programme will be announced in due time.

Practical information
The Atlantic Bootcamp will take place on Tuesday 2 July n the buildings of Marifish.Inc in Ostend. Participation is free, but the number of seats is limited. If there are a high number of registrations, only 5 participating start-ups and/or SMEs will be selected.
Register for the Atlantic Bootcamp now. The registration deadline is 19 June 2024.
Any more questions about this event? Please contact Jurgen Adriaen.
The Blue Bio Atlantic Bootcamp, an initiative by Blue Cluster, Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (France) and Blue Bio Alliance (Portugal), falls within the scope of the European BlueBioClusters project. As such, this project will support European (coastal) regions, companies and citizens in the transition towards a sustainable blue bioeconomy. By improving the services of clusters in the blue bioeconomy, the project contributes to the development of blue value chains.