Final conference of the eMSP NBSR project

The eMSP NBSR-project is coming to a close. What valuable new insights have the different partners gained with regard to marine spatial planning in the North and Baltic Sea region? Join the final conference in Gdansk and find out.
Radisson Hotel & Suites Gdansk, Chmielna 10-25, 80-748 Gdansk

For 2.5 years, various experts, professionals and researchers have exchanged experiences, shared knowledge and put their heads together on marine spatial planning. The project has thus grown into a platform that supports the implementation of MRP in the North Sea and Baltic Sea.

During the final conference you can become acquainted with the results of the project in detail. Explore and give your opinion on the various policy advice and recommendations that the partners have formulated, be inspired by successful examples of MRP and discover what the future has to offer.

Programme (draft)

Wednesday 31 January

09:00 Registration & marketplace
10:00 Welcome & setting the scene
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Panel discussion - main messages / Enhancing MSP through integration and cooperation
13:00 Lunch & marketplace

Workshops of learning strands - diving in the emerging topics

  • Data Sharing, Information & Communication Technologies Serving MSP
  • Ecosystem-Based Approach
  • Sustainable Blue Economy
  • Monitoring & Evaluation 
18:30 Networking & cocktail hour

Thursday 1 February

09:00 Registration & marketplace
10:00 Workshops of learning strands - diving in the emerging topics (continued)
11:00 Coffee break
  • Outreach session 1: Lessons Learned: Climate Change & EU Green Deal
  • Outreach session 2: Continuation of Community of Practice
13:00 Lunch & marketplace
14:00 Study tour of learning strands & community of practice
17:00 Conclusions
Baltic Sea Poland

Practical information

Interested in attending? Participation in the final conference is free of charge, but the number of seats is limited. Register now to be sure you can attend. The registration deadline is 9 January 2024. 

Already registered but something has come up and you will not be able to make it? Please inform the organisers so hat somebody else can take part in your stead. Thank you for your cooperation! 


The project Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region (eMSP NBSR) strives to develop a European vision for marine spatial planning. Several 'learning strands' have been created to deal with different topics. Blue Cluster is mainly active in the 'Sustainable Blue Economy' learning strand.

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