Closing event of the Enzymares project

Over the past four years, the partners in the Enzymares project have developed a toolbox that allows easy identification of enzymes. The focus was on marine resources with high innovation potential. Discover the results of the project.
Jacobsenstraat 1, 8400 Oostende

Join us on Tuesday 25 March 2025 and delve into the possibilities that the innovative toolbox offers for industrial applications.

We will tell the story of Enzymares, explore various business cases in depth and explain the valorisation possibilities. The programme also includes various workshops on the use of the toolbox.

Check out the detailed programme

09:30 Welcome coffee


  • Welcome
  • The story of Enzymares
    Jana Asselman (Ghent University)
  • Enzymes in industrial synthesis: a daring manoeuvre or a safe bet for a sustainable future?
    Heleen De Wever (VITO) 
  • Advisory board member Puratos and their interest in the project
  • From data to discovery: Open Analytics' perspective on AI and Machine-Learning 
    Open Analytics (Advisory Board member)
  • How to reach us? A single-door entry to Enzymares
    Eveline Diopere (Ghent University)
  • Expanding the Toolbox's horizon: connecting Enzymares and Euremap
    Olga Genilloud (Fundación Medina)
12:00 Lunch

Interactive workshops

  • Hands-on with the Enzymares toolbox: explore, test, innovate (KU Leuven)
  • Xylanases and machine learning: from discovery to bread innovation (LFCB)
  • Process development and scale-up for enzyme production (Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant) & Understanding lipase behaviour (VITO)
14:00 Break

Interactive workshops

  • Hands-on with the Enzymares toolbox: explore, test, innovate (KU Leuven)
  • Matchmaking & innovation sprint: meet the Enzymares partners and clusters to discuss ideas for future projects
  • Netwalking - A guided tour of the Ostend Ecosystem (InnovOcean Campus, Marifish Inc. Marine Station, Blue Accelerator...
15:15 Networking drinks & bites
16:30 End of the event
Enzymares (FF)

Practical information

The main language of this event is English. The event is open to anyone interested in the project.

Participation is free of charge, but prior registration is required.

Would you like to attend? The number of seats is limited. Register now.

Any questions about this event? Please contact Floris Van Cauwelaert.

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