Blue Session Offshore Floating Solar

Curious about the latest developments within offshore renewable energy? Discover the potential of offshore floating solar panels at our Blue Session on 8 February 2024 and contribute to the further development of this innovative technology.
Own activity, Activity for members and non-members
Bluebridge, Wetenschapspark 1, 8400 Oostende

In the search for greener and more efficient and local energy solutions, offshore floating solar is emerging as a beacon of innovation. Offshore floating solar supports the energy transition in providing reliable, affordable and sustainable energy.

The Belgian government is strongly committed to this and has expressed the ambition to generate 1 GW of solar energy at sea.  In this Blue Session, we explore the potential of this new form of renewable energy.

Why participate:

  • You will gain insights from industry, academia and government that are shaping the offshore floating solar landscape.
  • You will make contacts and engage with like-minded professionals, researchers and pioneers in the renewable energy sector.
  • Your expertise and perspectives will contribute to the discussions that will shape the future of offshore floating photovoltaic solar.


In the morning, several keynote speakers will present the state of the art and technological developments. Both the current state of play of scientific developments and the international market evolution will be discussed. This is followed by a closer look at the evolutions concerning new PV applications, multi-use and environmental impact analysis. The session will conclude with a clarification of the supporting framework.

Target audience: members, partners and others interested in offshore floating PV

In the afternoon, participants will brainstorm on possible solutions to key challenges within offshore floating solar. The aim is to discuss in groups how these challenges can be addressed concretely and where collaborations are possible. At a later stage, participants will be free to choose which challenge they want to engage around.

Target audience: members and partners who want to and can contribute to the formulated challenges for Offshore floating PV.

Have a look at the detailed programme

Below you can find the final programme for the event. 

9u30 Welcome & registration
10u00 Introduction
Ann Overmeire (Blue Cluster)
10u10 Setting the Scene

Topic 1: Scientific state of play & market trends 

  • Growth scenarios for the offshore floating solar market up to 2050
    Simon Johannes Stark (Dutch Marine Energy Center)
  • Scientific state of play
    Jens Moschner (KU Leuven)

Topic 2: Technological developments

  • Offshore PV developments and applications
    Stefan Dewallef (Soltech) 
  • Multi-use for offshore floating solar 
    Ozlem Ceyhan (IMDC)
  • Ecological impact 
    Thomas Kerkhove (RBINS)

Topic 3: Ondersteunend kader

  • Blue Cluster Project Call  
    Stefaan Mensaert (Blue Cluster)
  • Available testing infrastructure
    • Blue Accelerator - Tom Baur (POM West-Vlaanderen)
    • Coastal & Ocean Basin - Peter Troch (COB)
  • Tender for demo project 
    pIEt Haerens (HAEDES)
12u30 Lunch
13u30 Workshop on technological challenges
  • Global overview of challanges
    Kim De Beule and Tine Boon (SeaVolt consortium)
  • Breakout session on three priority challenges:

    1.    O&M challenges: Cleaning / keeping clean of PV panels (soiling & fouling) in offshore conditions without manual/human interaction (Bird deterrence, cleaning robot)
    2.    Electrical challenges: Effects of movements, vibrations and harsh offshore conditions on inverters/transfo etc. 
    3.    Ecological challenges: Material recycling (PV, Steel, Alu, FRP)

16u15 Closing words
16u30 Reception
floating solar


This Blue Session will take place on Thursday 8 February 2024 from 9.30 am in BlueBridge (Ostend Science Park). The main language of the event is Dutch, but several presentations may be given in English.

Participation is free for members and partners of Blue Cluster. Other interested parties pay a contribution in costs of €300 excl. VAT for participation in the morning plenary session. The idea generation session in the afternoon is exclusively for members.

Any further questions? Please contact Stefaan Mensaert.

Register for the Blue Session Offshore Floating Solar

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