Blue Session "Digital Aquafarm"

Blue Cluster organises a Blue Session on digitisation of aquafarming and the search for more affordable sensors in cooperation with Ghent University and Watercircle. Two thesis students conducted research into monitoring RAS systems for seaweed and shrimp as part of the Smart WaterUse project and will gladly present their results to you.
Past, Own activity, Activity for members and non-members
vergaderzaal F.01 Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent

The aquaculture sector is booming in Europe, but also faces certain sustainability challenges. Especially in terms of nutrient use and illness prevention, there is still a great need for improvement. Digital transformation is crucial in this regard.

This Blue Session is a collaboration between Blue Cluster, Ghent University and Watercircle, and is part of the Smart WaterUse project, which is coordinated by Flanders’ FOOD and can count on financial support from Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO).

The event is aimed at the industry and start-ups interested in the digitisation of aquaculture, academics that have built up expertise in terms of digitisation or aquaculture and all other organisations that are linked to sensors, digitisation and/or aquaculture/aquafarming.

By and for whom?

Dit initiatief is een samenwerking tussen De Blauwe Cluster, Universiteit Gent en Watercircle, en kadert binnen het Smart WaterUse-project, dat gecoördineerd wordt door Flanders’ FOOD en kan rekenen op de financiële ondersteuning van het Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen (VLAIO).

Het event is gericht op de industrie en startups die interesse hebben in de digitalisering van aquacultuur; academia die expertise opgebouwd hebben op vlak van digitalisering of aquacultuur; en alle andere organisaties die een link hebben met sensoren, digitalisering en/of aquacultuur/aquafarming.


We would like to welcome you at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering from 1:30 pm with a cup of coffee. The event officially starts at 2 pm. The programme includes some pitches and an

interactive session. We will conclude with a guided tour and some demos. Afterwards, we invite you to discuss the event with a drink and some snacks.

Check out the detailed programme

Introduction: Smart WaterUse & digitisation in aquaculture (Karen Vanderstraeten; Blue Cluster)
14u10 Pitch #1: Possibilities to integrate nitrogen measurements in a sensor network for shrimp farming: Seney Reef versus spectrolyser (Bernd Herremans, Ghent University)
14u30 Pitch #2:Possibilities of open-source systems for the autonomous monitoring, digitisation and visualisation of data in seaweed farming (Charles Dimiaux, Ghent University)
14u50 Coffee break
15u00 Interactive session: capturing the needs of the industry (e.g. sensors, water technology, data platforms) & formulating the next steps (moderation by Matthias Mertens, Watercircle, Shanna Vanblaere, EMBRC-Ghent University and Karen Vanderstraeten, Blue Cluster)
15u30 Site visit & demonstration: visit to the Artemia Reference Center with a digitisation test set-up
fish in blue water

How to participate?

You can register until 2 September by completing the web form. The number of participants is limited to 20, so the earlier you register, the better.

Members of the Smart WaterUse project guidance committee can participate free of charge, other parties pay € 75.

Smart WaterUse

The Smart WaterUse project focuses on managing water risks and the smart water management within the (marine) food, aquaculture, textile and tourism industries. The aim is to allow companies to optimise their water consumption and reuse. To increase the efficiency of water-saving measures, water management techniques are best controlled by sensors.

Further information? Please contact Kristien Veys.

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